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Philosophy for Life
Unpacking the Dynamics of Attraction: Navigating Relationships and Personal Growth with Rom Wills
What happens when a relationship guru meets a microphone? Magic! In our latest podcast episode, we had the pleasure of sitting down with the incredible Rom Wills, author of "Nice Guys and Players" and "Sexual Chemistry". Rom generously poured out his wisdom, sharing his journey from his early days as a writer, to becoming an influential voice in the field of relationships, attraction, and personal development.
As we navigated through a rich tapestry of topics, the conversation took illuminating turns, shedding light on the evolving dynamics of relationships and attraction. Rom gave us an insider's view of the seismic shifts in societal norms and power politics between men and women, and how they have reshaped romantic relationships. With unflinching honesty and deep insights, he explored women's changing preferences, the role of physical attractiveness, and how sexual repression has far-reaching effects on men.
We delved deeper into the idea of authentic masculine archetypes and the transformative power of personal development. Rom outlined a powerful blueprint for men to step into their highest potential and shared practical strategies to develop their inner masculine. We concluded the episode with a resonant discussion on the essence of friendship, acceptance, and gratitude. This is more than just a conversation - it's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Tune in to uncover a treasure trove of wisdom that could revolutionize your approach to relationships and personal growth.
Hi, Darron Brown here, and I'm here with the bestselling author, ron Wills. He wrote the book called Nice Guys and Players and also Sexual Chemistry. The reason I have Ron Wills here today is because a lot of people on the internet are giving the wrong advice. In my opinion, it's a lot of guys who don't have success with women or enough experience with women to actually give valid advice to young men. I believe it's creating a lot of problems within the manosphere or the dating specter of YouTube. So, ron Wills, you can go ahead and give yourself a brief introduction.
Rom Wills:Okay, I'm Ron Wills. I'm the author of the International Bestseller Nice Guys and Players and also Sexual Chemistry, and the one thing that I do is help men to evolve into their best cells. Best cells, through advice on, developed themselves, will want to get women, because a lot of guys are concerned but overall in life, as far as their success, their sovereignty and things of that nature I'm still known for the relationship stuff and that's you know, but when people actually, when they can actually apply what I teach, they find that they succeed in other areas of life as well, because everything is connected. How long have you been helping?
Darron Brown:men become the best version of themselves.
Rom Wills:Really since. Well, it's an interesting story because I started out as a writer. I was writing books. I started in 92.
Rom Wills:And the first thing I wrote was something called A Perfect man for the Ladies, and it wasn't. It was a story. It was a story. It was a story. I mean it was a male main character and the point of the character was to show his true self, because he was pretending to be the perfect man for two different women and a lot of women boarded and it was hitting them in a different way and I was like, hmm, they're into this relationship stuff. And then I later wrote a pamphlet really just to make like a little bit of money at vending shows, called Finding a Good man. Women ate it up. In fact, I was on a public access TV show back in DC back in the day on the basis of that pamphlet.
Rom Wills:What happened was many men say, hey, ron, we need something too. And at first I was like, yeah, whatever, because most of my friends were players and it was successful. But men kept saying we need something too, we need something too. So I wrote something called Nice Guys Guy to Meet an Attractive Woman. I didn't even use my real name, I called myself Peter Wilkes, and then that just evolved into Nice Guys and Players and in fact it's interesting, the original version of it was called Nice Guys and Players Become the man Black Women Want. And then that was a limited run and I was going to do like a better audition.
Rom Wills:But then the night before the book was supposed to go to publication I was at a cookout and they had white and Asian women there and he was saying the exact same thing. So I said wait a minute, this is bigger than the black community. So I immediately I pushed the publication date back, immediately did an edit and edited out most of the references specifically to black culture. There's one I did leave in, I just couldn't edit it out, but most of the references. All of a sudden boom and it exploded. Literally all over the world, in fact, people hear about PUA. I know specifically about some PUA's who had copies of my book. They didn't say anything publicly. It was incredible. I mean it was powerful and the thing was it wasn't that deep. In my opinion, it was just life lessons.
Darron Brown:You know well. First of why did you go by Peter Wilkes? What's that all about? Why did you come up with that?
Rom Wills:That was just a screen, that was just a I mean, because when I first wrote it, the pamphlet, I was like man, this corny, I was still working in the government at the time, but then I said you know what, no, I'm just going to jump out there like this. In fact, there's been times when I because I had published it when I was still working in the government Shoot, I had attorneys and stuff. They wanted copies, they were talking about it, but there was just a pen name. It was just a pen name, but I still have that, and it's amazing how far I went on. That. It was incredible Because, seriously, at first I didn't take it.
Rom Wills:I was like man, don't need this. But then I found out, yeah, many did, or at least from the sales. And it was interesting, though, because the men who bought it at first, they were players. I was like what, I'm trying to help the nice guys out who bought it for me directly. I think a lot of nice guys bought it online and all of that, you know, but the men who bought it from me when it was book signings, bookshelves were mainly the players, the guys who didn't really need the book, because part of it is.
Rom Wills:I did something interesting. It wasn't just for the nice guys. It was like are you a nice guy who can't get the women, or are you a player? You can't get the woman? You really want A lot of players. They picked up on that part. That was the interesting thing. They would say, look, I can get every woman I want. I can get every woman except the one I want. So they even got a story behind that. There was this guy. It was a Hispanic guy. He bought my book and I'll never forget I'm doing a book signing and he came up with the entourage. It was like a spotlight was shining, music was playing, dude was sharp, had a sharp haircut, nice shirt, slacks, italian joint shoes and he was like this is who I am. He was pointing to the player part how much for this book? He said I can get everybody except her. That's what I meant. It was deep. It was deep, it was interesting. Okay.
Darron Brown:For the people watching. I have two cameras looking at me right now. This is for the viewers. I have two cameras looking at me right now, so I'm going to be focusing on the camera. So if I look where, forgive me. I want to tell you the reason why I bought your book. I can't remember how I'd discover you, but I know that it happened around the time when I started to become writing for O'Shea. We both were writing for O'Shea and then I guess, your channel was suggested to me.
Darron Brown:Now I consider myself a good dude, but a little bit about my background. I did play college ball and I never really suffered when it came to attracting women, and my problem was that I couldn't get the type of woman I wanted. I'm more family oriented. I prefer to have something that's more long-term, but when you have women coming after you and you're young, you entertain it. There's a difference between chasing it and it coming to you. So yeah, I did pursue women from time to time, but for the most part it wasn't too difficult for me.
Darron Brown:So when I saw your book, I was kind of like, all right, let me grab it, let me see what it was. And what surprised me more than anything was the emphasis on the body. You know you've preached the body game a lot, but you hear, growing up as a man, within as the media or wherever you hear, that you need to stimulate a woman's mind, like women are attracted to intelligence. So I can remember when I was just like in my early teens, trying to improve those skills to get women and I realized that I already had the size, I already had the body for it, but I was trying to go about it the wrong way and there were cases where I actually turned a woman down because I wasn't in animal mode, I wasn't too aggressive, I was overthinking things and whatnot. Why do you think, why do you think? A lot of people put that out there that why do we? We sell sex in the movies, but when it comes to relationships, why don't we not focus on the sexual part and we focus more on the intellectual part?
Rom Wills:Well, one of the things is that a significant amount of the population has some type of sexual repression. It can come from the religion or general Moore saying oh, sex is a bad thing, which is kind of messed up because they use sex to sell everything from toothpaste to outdoor grills. You know, anytime you look at a motorcycle magazine, it's about motorcycles or car engines or something. But you got to find women on the cover they using sex, and see, that's the thing. So you got a lot of sexual repression. You got a lot of people who trying to say no, they don't want to deal with it because you know, like I said, the religious angle, people saying oh, it's bad, it's bad and trying to say no, it's other things. You know, it's not the physicality, but this physicality is the main thing. Sex is a primal thing. That's the main thing. Women are attracted to the whole physical form. Men are attracted to the whole physical form. That's why you want to have it. Indeed, your body is so powerful that when you get at your primal, when you get your primal body weight and form, size and all of that, it will automatically attract people who are compatible, naturally compatible to you.
Rom Wills:See, on a deep level. You know we communicate Communication. Verbal communication is, I'd say, 8 to 10 percent total communication. The other 90 percent is through body language and everything. Like you ever see a woman, you just felt something in your body Like you felt, something Like you saw, like some people call it lust, but your body is actually affected by that. Women feel the same thing and often I always say you can have two people having a conversation. They could be talking about politics. Their bodies are communicating like, oh no, we want to just go in this back room and stuff, forget all this political stuff. That's how deep it is. The body is deep and you know that's the primary thing, that's a primal thing. You know we can't. You know some people try to say it doesn't matter. But yes, it does matter. You know we're talking on a primal level. What happens to seed meets the egg creates a whole human being. That's primal. There's pleasure associated with that to keep the race going.
Darron Brown:That's primal. What I get from what you said is basically that there's a spiritual component when it comes to attraction and our world. Yeah, we kind of focus on the mental aspect of attraction or whatnot, but I guess there's things that are happening behind the scenes that we can actually see, but we can feel it, you know. Yeah.
Rom Wills:And the body is spiritual. Everything is connected. We think it's just material, but the body is moved by the spirit, you know. So it's telling us something. I'm subconscious. It's just like sometimes you may feel a certain way when you're around a person. That's your spirit communicating through your body. Oh, there's an issue with this person, like pay attention, like you get that gut feeling. Or you get sick when you're around somebody, or you get around somebody else, you feel real good and fired up. It's a big thing. Like I would tell people, if you don't feel something physically, you don't feel a comfort in your body physically when you're around a person, leave them alone. Or if you feel something negative or something, that's how deep I mean that's, that's taking it to a deeper level, because a lot of people don't really. They know the other part. You know the aesthetics and all of that stuff, but you still got to feel some people in the body is deeper than just aesthetics and everything like that. It's the vehicle by which you move through the world. That's why health is important.
Rom Wills:In my book Self sexual chemistry, I get into health. I talk about cleaning out your colon, keeping that clean. In fact I'm due for another colon cleanse. I say every once, every three months or so, I'll just get some stuff, just just some stuff and some reading material, and just be in the bathroom, and I had no problem with that A lot of people have.
Rom Wills:That is is health. You know, when we really attracted to somebody, we are at the biggest level. We attracted to their physical health. That's problem, and it is spiritual too. All of it's connected. Now let me be clear on it. Even though I talk body gay, you still got talk to each other, you still got communicate. Body Gay is the base, though, by which you build everything else off of, and if you're talking about just purely attracting women, okay, they like your body and everything. Okay, then you can talk to them and then see if it grows from there and it's still even deeper levels. It'd be another show, but it's, it's you, you feel it, you grow from there, okay, and so you got to have a little bit because I don't want to keep asking.
Darron Brown:I can keep. We can keep talking about this. So before we get, before we get caught up in it, I want to go back to your book. When you first started writing your book, you first decided that you were going to put this book together. How long did it take you, from beginning to end, to actually complete the book?
Rom Wills:Oh, it's pretty quick man, I'm gonna tell you what. On a deeper level, I was taking notes since 1983. I had a notebook it said ROM's Rules. It's a stuff back in 1983, because I always said that right at M, but I you know and also back in the 80s I was actually going to do a book on interracial relationships and I was taking notes. I got a lot of notes for that. I probably got about seven other books I got notes for I could probably put out, you know. So it's like it's so. But when it came down to many men asking for it, it was pretty quick. It was like boom, boom, boom. I'm thinking maybe a month or two, but it wasn't a long time. How?
Rom Wills:many revisions of the book.
Darron Brown:How many revisions Really? Oh, wow, so you used on point J1.
Rom Wills:I say the only thing only. In fact, everything that I had in the original Nice Guys Guide to Meet and Attracting Women is in Nice Guys in Place. I just expanded, that's all. I did no revision, only thing. I did take out one thing, because I had stuff about signs of women showing her interests and I wrote in there that a woman playing with her hair shows her interest. But then I said when I'm still working in the government had a co-worker read the book, read the thing she always played with her hair around me. I said, oh wait a minute, I can't let her know that. I can't let her know, I'm reading it right there.
Darron Brown:You know I pay more attention to those little things ever since discovering you. You know, sometimes when you get women or not getting a woman you just don't know what's going on. It's just you're unconscious. But when you open your eyes, open up, you actually see things as they're happening. You know.
Rom Wills:Yeah, I'm going to tell you what. Let me give you all some game. Pay attention, always pay attention to a woman's body language. That's why I could. When I'm out in public, I see a couple of the guys. I take one, look at them and I have a general idea about their relationship Not to say I'm 100% right and I would never know unless I talked to them, but you can get a feel. You ever see a couple together. They're all up on each other, holding hands, real close, looking at each other, and you're like, man, they need a room. Then you see another couple. They're supposed to be a couple but there's a distance between them. They don't hardly look at each other, everything. But you know they're still together, you know, and they might even have wedding rings on or something. You're like, uh, yeah, he better double back home one day. I need to get that passion in the relationship.
Darron Brown:You know this could be wrong. I was on YouTube listening to somebody else, but they were saying that eventually the love goes into relationships. This is what they use. They say the love goes in a relationship, but the thing that needs to be maintained is the respect that you have for each other and basically, the activities you have for each other. You have way more experience than I do, way more insight. How do you think a relationship? Do you think yeah? How is a relationship supposed to last?
Rom Wills:basically, I'm going to tell you what one of the biggest issues is the word love. People should use lust. You know. I had a Facebook post one time. I said people should stop saying I love you, just say I lust you. Some woman I hooked up with say, ok, ram, I lust you Because I said that's all it is.
Rom Wills:Real love isn't based on sex or being married or something. It's a connection. The love pretty much stayed there. It's like when women say you know I love you, but I'm not in love with you, they should just con correct that to say, well, I swear. And that's usually what it is.
Rom Wills:People think it's some lust, but it's really just lust. So the issue there is how do you keep the lust going? That's the trick. If you look at most couples, people think they break up over money, but it's rare that it well, I'm going to say it's rare is what they say. Most of the time it's sex. The lust is gone. They don't feel that feeling. They don't get that spark. In fact, women will say spark. If a woman tells her girlfriends she's a voice and that good man who pays the bills, keeps the car running, allows her not to work and all she has to do is say the spark is gone. They'd be like, oh, and they won't bother about it again and that's all it is. So the issue is can you keep the spark up? You know, and let's be real, there can be other things involved. You know compatibility, you know y'all got different consciousness about money, different philosophy, but a primary thing is just that lust.
Rom Wills:Ok, how do you keep the lust going? Well, you need to stay in the same physical shape. Both sides do. A lot of couples let themselves get out of shape. It kills the lust, it kills the drive. They need to switch up sometimes. Sometimes, yeah, sometimes as a man, yeah, make love to him. You got the rose petals out the candles. Sometimes, though, you got to pull that mattress into the living room, sit there butting. They can wait for your woman to get home. Soon, she walked through the door, rip her clothes off, throw on that mattress, tap that ass like you just got out of prison.
Rom Wills:You just got to switch it up, because what happens is this you just get tired of it. You know, sometimes a woman got to be the man, needs to be in chase mode. He getting it all the time. He gets boring. He's like, damn, this again. He didn't have to do anything. You know it becomes obligatory. You know you just got to switch it up. You know, go on that vacation or something.
Rom Wills:Now some couples they have open relationships and something I'm like, eh, ok if you want to. But you know, and that's why you have cut cold and open relationships, stuff like that, because the less think they they good with each other otherwise, so they just get other people. But if you, if you saying I don't want to do all that, ok, y'all got to switch up. You know you might have to say, ok, we need to have this rough sex in the living room on the kitchen floor, but then we need to go to this whole five star hotel, you know, have the rose petals and all of that and stuff. You got to switch it up and then y'all got to communicate and be honest with each other. You know so and it's tough. It really is tough because you get used to somebody. That's. That's the one thing you get used to, no matter how much you and you probably you love them, like really love them, but it's hard. It's hard, ok.
Darron Brown:So I'm glad you said that, because I just had another guy on my show, ap, and he one thing that he said. He said the problem is that you have players trying to be husbands, you have husbands trying to be players. People don't keep it real and let people know who they really are, because some people aren't made for marriage, some people are made for marriage, some people aren't made for marriage and basically what you're, basically what he was saying and I'm, I'm, I'm using it, I'm using what he was saying with what you just stated. He was saying that. What was he saying? I'm lost for words. He was saying that basically, he loves his wife. That's what he's saying. He loves his wife, yeah, but every now and then he wants another piece of ass and he doesn't think that's a bad thing. He says do you? He's like he gave.
Darron Brown:He gave this analogy. He says say you have two, two people, two drug dealers that are in your operation. One guy he never dips his finger in the cocaine, he never tries it, but he's not good for nothing, brings nothing to the table, you can't count on to be on time, he's never there, et cetera. But you got one guy. The other guy he's, he's dependable. He's all he's bringing in revenue. He's always there on time, he does everything you need for your operation to grow, and more. But every now and then he dips his finger in the cocaine, you know, and he says that's, that's the way he sees in relationships. He's like a man is considered a bad man because he wants a little taste of something new every now and then and he doesn't agree that the way we see relationships today is the right way. And I could tell you stuff.
Rom Wills:And he has something, because you do have a grand amount of people who are getting involved in open relationships, polyamory, open relationships, things of that nature, maybe having a three, some things of that nature. Because it is real tough and especially if you are a player. It's tough for a player to become a husband. It really is. It is very tough because he's used to it and, plus, women make the plays. Some woman is always going to bring him a plate, throw it at him. He can have his ring on. It could be shining like a spotlight and she'll go after them hard. You know, and many men don't want to hear this, but women can have sex with multiple men and they are, you know. They can be completely opposite of each other. Women can have sex all day. They really can. So it's tough, it is, it's a challenge, it really is.
Darron Brown:It's a challenge and people need to be honest. Well, I know my problem is this that if I'm dealing with a woman and she pissed me off just because of, like my experience of women, I instantly think I can get somebody else. But I know that that's not the right way of thinking and, as you stated, with the women some women, you know I'm becoming more aware that women don't have that goody two shoes, goody two shoes type of image that I was taught to believe. A lot of women and they, when it comes to sex, like they may carry theyself in an innocent way, but they have those same urges as well and they'll act on them. They will act on them and then get the support from the community to act on them. I was lonely. Oh, you know something? You know man.
Rom Wills:I'm going to tell you what, because I've talked about the sexual shadow world. That's basically what women. They behave free Women. They want to get out here. They want to do their stuff. The best chance a man has of keeping her out of there. He got to switch it up on her. He bet he better like work. He better hit the gym so he can move that mattress around easily. He better be spontaneous. He better be like hey, baby, I got something I got to show you. In my car, in the garage, take her in the backseat. He got to switch it up because they're going to want that women. I mean, they'll love you. They still looking at other guys. That's what's happening when you're talking about metal, exotic dancers and stuff like that those women being married. I got something for you.
Darron Brown:This is a question that I've been pondering for like the last few months. Growing up, you know, when you grew up in low I want to say low income environment, when it comes to attraction, you learn early that women are attracted to masculinity. You need to speak to them. You need to have some level of you know, some level of musculature to you, you know. But you have to carry yourself like a man and be aggressive At least that's how it was. You have to know how to fight, have some level of being known in that area. But when I got, I got a scholarship to a Catholic school. That was like ridiculously, like I went to school with Barry Banzas kids, you know. So I went to school like politicians, all those types of kids, and I remember those kids saying like, oh, it's all, it's all about the money, it's all about the money, Right, and I used to think they was full of shit.
Darron Brown:But now, as an adult, we were dealing with two different class of women in the middle. When you're dealing with a historically in the middle class white women, they were dependent on men. So the men white guys with the breadwinners are within that class for generation and generations. But now I see a lot of white women. They are in the workplace, they're taking on power positions they had their own money along with black women. So, and now I see that a lot of these guys that are complaining about women, they're complaining about those middle class women who don't need their money anymore and those men don't know how to control those women. And I can see now that we're moving because our society has changed, the way it's changed. A lot of men are still living in the 50s and a lot of women are choosing their partners differently than they used to choose their partners.
Darron Brown:So I'm wondering because women don't need men in that way? They can be more primal with their selection, just like any other animal on the planet. They can choose a man because of his sexuality, his size, etc. And men can. Men still haven't got out of that space of like the provider role. Where do you see relationship, Say? Things can continue to advance this way. Women don't need women, don't need men financially. How do you think the selection process is going to be in relationships? Are some men just never going to breed, which happens in the animal kingdom? Some men, if they're not strong enough, they don't have the look, they don't breed. How do you see that going?
Rom Wills:Well, there's been a study that said, just throughout history, only 40% of men have put their genes into the future. 40% this is this was while men thought money was helping them and everything. And even then, even from back in the day, like if you go like in the South or some like more rural areas, when that woman had a baby, her relatives will come around and really look at that baby and look at the father. They'd be like, oh okay, what does he have? What does he? Seriously that? A paternity fraud? If they had the testing for paternity fraud back in the day, a lot of men will find out they ain't the father. Because here's what women did even back then oh, they'll get that guy with the money, but then they'll have that guy coming over the fence. They'll have a milkman or something, or you know that door to door salesman. There was a whole lot of that.
Rom Wills:The thing now, though, the women can be, they don't have to. So you come up trying to talk about how much money you got. That's only going to impress some poor woman. If you get some woman, some little ratchet, some tacky woman, some Trella Park woman, oh yeah, they'll probably be really impressed with your money and they'll still cheat on you. But the thing now is you got to have more. You can still have money and women are still dealing with a guy. If a professional woman still wants a professional man, but that's more for image and even then she still wants somebody she has a physical attraction for See, they can hold out now.
Rom Wills:I know of many professional women now and they ain't hit no damn wall. They ain't. I know several, I know several. They haven't hit a wall but they haven't found that one man is sexually attracted to. They got degrees, they got they got their own homes, everything, and they still in shape, you know. That's why a lot of them become cool girls or mills they are. That sexual attraction thing has taken it to another level and they're going after. That's why I you know what people call me a ding, because I'm a sex coach. I'm telling you how to get these women. Because that's the thing, even when people talk about game or something, a woman still got to look at you and think you're sexy, because they have a choice. And that's really what a lot of men are really mad about.
Rom Wills:And some men still trying to fight and say, oh, I just take money and just take money. I'm like, like I said on a video recently, man, I know like four young women. They haven't reached the age of 30, they got their own houses and stuff. I don't live in a house. I'm like, wait a minute, you got a house. I mean I've had a house before and stuff, but I've known several like that. In fact, I knew a woman, and this was back in the nineties I ain't going to give out too much information about, but she was working for one of those dot coms. It was a millionaire man. Her house was like the acres, it was like it took about 25 minutes to walk around her whole house and she married some random dude who was just cool with it, but she was still checking for. Her biggest problem was she didn't have that level of attraction to get that really top dude, I see. But she did settle for a dude and made him sign a pre-note because she had the money.
Rom Wills:Man she had dude 25 minutes to walk her whole house and I still don't think we saw everything. I'm just like man. But that's the thing with the women. Now they got their own money. You can't hit them with that. You can have all the money in the world. In fact, I recommend men build themselves up as much as possible but don't leave with your wallet because the women looking at the sex appeal unless you want to deal with some low class woman and I hope you don't, but they, they're looking at your physicality and everything. You know your sex appeal, your attitude they want to holler. I mean seriously. That's why women, they will pay a jiggler. They will pay a jiggler and technically they can't pay them for sex. They'll pay for the time and then they'll have sex off the clock. But that's what they want.
Darron Brown:A lot of men. They need to lead with sex when they first meet a woman and not they wallow. Yeah, Keep the wallet in the pocket. Yeah, All right. So I wanted to say okay, so your book? It focuses more on attraction and not game. The question I have for you do you need both, or both important, or does one matter more than the other?
Rom Wills:I would say this attraction is game in itself. Attraction is game. But to be clear about what my book focuses on is focusing on developing a man to a state of being where he naturally interacts with women and actually likes them. So one of the things I talk about and I'm nicer about it because I do say now that you know more, men need to approach women. But but let me, let me qualify what I'm saying when they get started. But they need to build themselves to the point where they can do what I always joke about sitting in a corner eating your buffalo wings and the women coming over to you.
Rom Wills:You want to see the thing with women. They always choose. They are always checking out men you be. If you're driving down the street and a woman look over, she checking you out. They always look at. They walk out the house in the morning and in fact, in some cultures the women can choose outright not in Western culture. So women are played a game. They'll put themselves in the position for you to approach. But they already made that choice. They saw you. You see her when you just walk up order. She saw you from five blocks away and slowed her pace down or she clocked you for months and put herself in your path.
Rom Wills:You want to be that type of man. You want to develop yourself. Even if you approach a woman, she ain't seen you as a cold approach as you do what I call a damn principle. In that few seconds when she sees you, she's still making the choice. So I don't see a lot of guys see game is trying to get the woman to like you. You can't achieve a like you.
Rom Wills:You don't even pimps acknowledged that. They say deal with who likes you. If you look at the majority of players out here, they're not big on approaching, they just be chilling. You ask them where they meet the woman. Or I met her on the job, or you know she kept some, or she just happened to come up and say hi, we were in this grocery store. She was asking about some avocados or something and then just kept talking, you know. So my thing focuses on that angle. In fact, a couple of people already say it was like a pimple. Because one thing about pimps people don't realize they don't really be forcing them in the movies to say they do, but most women have come to them one way or the other.
Darron Brown:They're not forced women to go into the space. They can leave whenever they wanted to leave.
Rom Wills:Oh no.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:Yeah, you got some women out there they having sex with men for money anyway or some favor from the man. They don't have a pimple. The pimple is to be a companion or manager for them and stuff. But I don't want to get into that aspect of it. But you know, my thing was just developing yourself into what a woman is actually going to be attracted to See. I say nice guys in place. They do like aspects of the nice guy, but they like the emotional stuff that he's there for them. They're not going to do the dishes, he'll be responsible, but they still want somebody to knock him out the box. So if you both and you just have that part of your personality, yeah, you can be stable, keep the bills paid, be responsible and make them haul in a bedroom. You won't be able to get rid of them and they always looking for that. So you present the.
Rom Wills:It was no matter what you do, no matter where you meet the woman most men don't meet women walking down the street anyway, or even on an online date. They might meet them on the job, they might meet them at the gym, happen to run into them someplace where they can strike up a conversation and stuff. And it comes down those two things because on a deep level, women have dual sexual needs. They have that lust thing where they want somebody just to knock it out the box, have them screaming, they want to feel, they want to feel intoxicated. But then they also have that need for a man who's going to be stable, who can listen to them, who can like say, hey, baby, I got this, let me, let me go handle this business over here. And that's what my book is all about.
Rom Wills:Now I use the term body game. I use I put game in there because people understand it, but it's more of a communication thing. I'll say you know, I'll have some videos. I'll say game, but if anybody look at and really look at what I'm doing, I'm just saying develop yourself, develop those two aspects of you, be able to satisfy a woman on those two levels. That's it. You want to become a nice guy and a play. In fact I remember I did this cable show and it was getting an argument, this woman and that's because she hadn't heard what I said. So she's, I can't stand place, I can't stay in place. At the end of the show she said I want a nice play, a nice play. So that that's the whole thing about it. So it doesn't get into the traditional old car her three times. You know I'm not big on all of that. It's about get your body right, get your mind right, you know. Develop your Way of how you gonna deal with the woman sexually and you'll be alright.
Darron Brown:She'll pick up on that with you you know you mentioned Like the women, they, they help you or not. I know that that's true, I've experienced before but I also saw it with. I see it a lot with younger women and I see with older women. I have a lot of older women that go out of their way to talk to me and when I played on the football team we had like these, cancel your run. And I remember it'll be like a group of like five no group like ten eight-year-old girls. They were just like like they. I can tell they had like a crush on me. They'll tell me all their parents stuff would not, but something in our society drills that out of women. It makes women believe that you know, man, are supposed to do everything and they're supposed to just just sit there.
Rom Wills:Well, you know what it's part of. It is from non select men being in a position and and just overall culture trying to get love for them. So they trying to get a woman to go against our basic nature, because if you leave it up to women, only a small percentage of men will have sex. In fact, they still will have sex with non select men. They still, because they don't have any choice is not enough select men to go around. If they want a man, they'll still deal with them, but they'll have sex with them as infrequently as possible. They'll give him hell. He'd do the slightest thing. Like a select man he can be two hours late for a date and she's still good. A Non-select man, if he's five minutes, if he's a minute late, she's ready kicking to the curb. So that's the biggest thing. See, they still have to deal with them and you know we still got Some cultural stuff about women having that husband or everything.
Rom Wills:But then what's not talked about out here is women's infidelity, if, if men. And that's how I learned a lot of the game, because I have no shame in saying that. I was that side piece and I was like, oh wait, a minute, this is messed up. Even to this day, I get a lot of attention from married women.
Rom Wills:It's kind of annoying and I'm like, I feel like bothering with you, you know, and be telling that I was a, I have another friend who's well, she, she, she has a roommate. I was telling her about another woman who said the same thing, you know. So, yeah, both in the same position. Man, it's. It's crazy because and that's when you really see some stuff Because women, you know, just because of how things are now, they still want to keep up those appearances, but, as you alluded to, as you mentioned, they that's kind of going away, they just being open about it now. And, like I said, I know several professional women got all this stuff Still fine, got bodies like the in their 20s and stuff. They rather say they rather just not get married or anything. They got all this stuff. You know, find a guy to make, give them maintenance and stuff, and they just go there.
Darron Brown:It's funny. Um, I got a friend. Why had a guy on my podcast actually that's, uh, really good looking dude. I don't know really the, the women, the things they say to him on instagram. He got his followers just like instantly, but the thing he had said that cracked me up. He was seeing a woman for about a year it's casual sex and he he took he had said that the girl was on birth control. Then she went off birth control and didn't tell him and then she told him, after she was about four or five months pregnant, that she was pregnant. You know so women, they they out there hunting for those, those genetics they need to tell you something.
Rom Wills:It's a jacked up thing. It's a jacked up thing and I know some people you got some people in that black pill community think it's just a chat or something. You know, you know handsome man or something and you know what they. They do check for handsome men but they never See to point out these handsome men that they keep called Chad and Tyrone also look like they hit the job. It's the total package, in fact a term, and I'm surprised the term may use as much. It's just plain hunk. If you look at meloxidic dances, you look at jiggalows, you look at what you look in the movies.
Rom Wills:Women went to see aquaman because Jason memorial was. You know he was, he was cut up, he shoot. They had shirtless scenes for Superman in Uh the justice league movie. I mean, women are naturally go for hunks, period. And yeah, they'll get with other guys because what ain't enough hunks to go around. But the closest you can come to, if you're home, you pretty much going to get women, you're going to get something. You still won't have some trouble, but you ain't going to have one.
Rom Wills:The closest you can come through it. Yeah, the closest you can come to it, though, it's the better. That's why I emphasize body game, and it hits them on a deeper level. It hits them there's been studies that hits them on a deep primal level, and women, more and more, are going for that. Now, I've said publicly about average facemen, but I let me clear that up because I mean well, you said the average face. If you look at it, though, when I say average, all men can be conventionally handsome. That's average. You know they can be that.
Rom Wills:But the thing with women they still look at the physicality. You got those shoulders. You can pick them up, you can toss them around, you look like you can go hunt. Oh yeah, they'd rather have that. They'll bring the beauty to the table. So even there, even there, the Basically comes down to the most best physical thing you can do for yourself. The better you help yourself With women. They want it. They're not hiding that anymore, and even when they talk about, they say feel sexuals or they want an intellectual guy. Let's be real. They want that attached to a certain body. Now you do get some exceptions, but usually those women have trouble getting the guys at the top, so they get what they can.
Rom Wills:Yeah, and here's the thing double back home one day, because the infidelity piece is big, is real, is scary big, is scary big. I've seen, I've known of some women who cheat it and you look at them like you cheating and they'd be like or they might have some guy jump down their job that they give those extra tight hooks to something, they'll do something. They don't have to be penetration. But the majority of majority of women, unless they got some biologically off with them, they're looking for some type of sexual contact and they can get all. Or women can get off sexually just from a hook. She can have a orgasm. She can have a orgasm just being in the presence of a man. She can have an orgasm just seeing a certain type of man.
Rom Wills:I know some people say that's crazy. Understand this. With women, they don't have to see for us to get ours, we need to penetrate for them to get theirs. They just need that good attention. That's why you get some women who will dress up they call it vamps to get all that attention. Oh, they're feeling something, trust me, they're feeling something and they need it. They need Like you get some women they'll they'll marry some guy and they'll still be loyal to them, but they just happen to go to the club a lot and slow dance with a lot of different. They'll find a way, man, they will find a way.
Darron Brown:You use the term Select, a non-select, over alpha and beta and I have a short little story and I, I personally, like that you use those terms over alpha embedded, because it's become I think some people are delusional because I had a guy come up to me that was fat. He was fat, he was broke and he wasn't the smartest person. But he told me he's like man. You know, alpha metal is like us. You know we don't have to worry about etc. Etc, etc, etc. And I was just thinking to myself alpha mel is like us. You think you on my level. That's what I was thinking. So I mean, let me know why, why you don't like the term alpha and beta and why you prefer selecting, non-select.
Rom Wills:Well, alpha, to me, every single man is an alpha. If he has a family, he owns his house, he's in charge of his house. If he's in charge, he's the alpha of that household. How alpha and beta was more of a family, selected, non-select, he's really just about who the women want to have sex with. There's a lot of guys who are running companies.
Rom Wills:There's a lot of guys like, okay, there are guys out, men, who run whole companies, yet they will pay a dominant interest to what they asked. How's that alpha? You get guys who, who got businesses, they got seven figures, but they paying a sugar baby. How's that alpha? He shouldn't have to pay if he's an alpha. If that's a sexual thing, you know, because they confusing the social thing with the sexual thing.
Rom Wills:And even then they say this guy's an alpha, how many guys really sit back and follow him? It's like, oh, we're gonna follow your leadership, should we got a pack of wolves with human beings now selecting, non-select it's. It's all about the sex. It's about who they want to have sex with, who they select for sex relationships, dating and who they know. And see, the guy you got. You do have some select men who running stuff, got powerful position. But then you got some don't got a pop to piss in. Ain't the brightest person, don't? You know they shoot, they might, they might get some older woman who grab them up and say, okay, you, my, you, my boy to How's that alpha? No, it's just a sex thing.
Rom Wills:So that's actually more accurate if you're talking about sex and then when you talk about their behavior. First of all, if you think about it, we can't even decide who's alpha, in that you get like 20 people who talk about being alpha and they all want to have different definitions. You know, some will even talk about just being a sexual alpha.
Darron Brown:Like well I think.
Darron Brown:I think a lot of guys that emphasize on alpha and beta Most guys not all guys kind of some pretty top notch dudes I use the word as well but I think a lot of those guys are guys that really have little experience when it comes to dealing with women. Reason I say that's because I feel like I'm a pretty good-looking guy, pretty athletic, pretty built, but I was never the top dude. The top guy when I was growing up was actually short, he was like five, six, but he was jacked and he was a man like people knew, like don't mess with him, you know, said he was a man amongst boys. And then I remember just Even in college, man there was, just there was always another stud. So I understood that there was more to the game.
Darron Brown:There was areas that you needed to like, there was areas that you need to improve on to actually attract the type of woman you want it. And then also sometimes you have to take your losses and just deal with the women that are dealing With you. But I feel like a lot of men they had they have no women like. I've known people who are versions In college and found out later. It's not that they couldn't have sex, but they were so terrified of women and sex and they were out of it. Man yeah.
Rom Wills:That's some real talk, man. That's that, that is some real talk. You have a many men who are sexually repressed for whatever reason, and there's no way nothing to do what they look. But you do got some guys, man. They're below they. Even when I was in my top shape They'd blow me away as far as like jacked and body game. You know, they got money, all that stuff they can have looks, money, status, and we still got issues. They still got issues, sexual Because of sexual repression, maybe how they were growing up, maybe they were told it was a wrong thing, you know. So that's that's why I say it's totally different. Isn't that necessary?
Rom Wills:the same thing, yeah, you know well, I mean, like I said, you do have some select men who are professionals. You got plenty of them, or you know making seven figures and all of that. But then you got some other ones you know they haven't had. I've known, I've known some men. Now I'm cool with them, but they haven't had their own place in years. They is always one woman or another. I've known some men. They they just go between their different women to sleep. They don't have their own home. They'll stay with one a few days, go see the other one. If one get mad, don't matter, because he's still got another. Father was like that. My father was like that.
Darron Brown:My father was like that. My pops would call this self the pretty boy thug he always had. He was out doing his thing. But I knew there there are always women. Mind you, my parents, they weren't together. It was always women that would pick me up, take me shopping, give me anything that I needed when I needed it, when I needed it, just because my pops had it like that. Even when he was locked up, you have women, you know, taking care of operation.
Rom Wills:You know what and that's an interesting part that I really don't get into Because that's a that's a prevalent thing nobody wants to talk about you. You got guys who are running women like that. You know my grandfather, my mother, my maternal grandfather every time I go over this house it was a different woman. It got to the point us. I just said ma'am. I just said ma'am, ma'am, be young girls, whatever you know. And then I, um, I wasn't close with my father's side but I found out he had like 10 kids outside of his marriage and stuff and he I mean, you know, and he had a ton of women you know my father's like that and everything, ton of women hanging out with my father. They father went like decade or so ago, he in his 60s, he had young girls going crazy, like going crazy, and see, that's a, that's a level charisma.
Rom Wills:It's charisma. Charisma is in there, they add, they just know what. They just hitting on those levels. If they could only use their power for good, that's. I'm gonna tell you what. It's actually a different level. That's really a different level from what I even talk about normally Because, uh, that's something you either got it or you dumped. I mean, that's just a reality. The most you can do is maybe if it's buried in you being brought out. But that's just a different level.
Rom Wills:Guys like that, they, they could, you could lock them up somewhere, they, you can lock them up somewhere. If they got a female like, uh, off corrections officer, oh, they're gonna hook up at some point. It's like the women going to hand it to them. It's just a reality. They just born with it. You can't do anything about it.
Rom Wills:I try to get guys to at least that level where you know they can still get decent women, even a lot of women and stuff. But there's just some guys, they just gonna be on something else and it, you know, there's a book I have I talked about. It's called swoon and it's, uh, you know, university professor. She's actually looked at and she actually wrote one about women too. You just got some people they just gonna get mates like that, and I believe it in that. It's not always about how they look either, but it's just they just in existence. But see, they're such a tiny part of the population. I don't talk about them normally. I've had some people I ask about because I've talked I mentioned it before but I said, man, don't you try to emulate me. Yeah, there's so much stuff too. The best you can do is hit the body game, work on your mind, work on your sovereignty, you know, work on your stability and stuff, and present that to a woman and most women are still going to, they still won't go.
Rom Wills:for guys who can make it to that level, they can still go for it Like that second level, it's something about their energy, because that's what I mean. They don't even lie.
Darron Brown:I remember my pops telling me like man, you just got to keep it real. He said you got to tell them straight up. I told everyone my dealt with, I told them what it was and they, they went along with it.
Rom Wills:So that's another level, man, and I'm serious, man, I can't, I don't even bother to teach that. I've had people say well, can you teach me? Get there? You either got it or you do Because. Okay, like with my father, when it's because we ain't grow up together, I ain't, I ain't raising. So we finally met as adults and stuff. He wasn't trying. He had young girls throwing it out. Young girls, he wouldn't even try. Young girls, older girls, he wouldn't even try. And he was trying to sit back and chill. He'd be like real quiet. They would be like all on them, smiling and everything, and he'd just be. He'd just be like, and he wouldn't even try to look fly. Yeah, he wouldn't even try to look fly, anything like that. He wasn't trying to look younger, he was looking, he was dressing his age and everything you couldn't get rid of, and you just got some guys like.
Darron Brown:It's like this, you know, when you step into a room and it's like you got a debo figure In the room and you can feel his presence. It's the same thing when it comes to men, like your pops. The women can feel the presence, the energy that they bring, and it's just something that you you can't be taught and you got guys like that, you got guys like it and I haven't figured it as far.
Rom Wills:If somebody can figure out a way to get somebody there, hey, let me know. Best I try to deal with guys that say, okay, I'll get you to that level where you know what, if you would approach a woman or attractive enough for her to start laying out her bread crumbs, you'd be able to do well, as long as you apply what I said. But to that next level, I'm just looking at my arm and keep going. They just want another level. You know, cousin T Todd might call them asps and stuff. Whatever the case, they just and they only one percent of the average.
Darron Brown:What is the ASP all about? Oh, alpha show piece Okay.
Rom Wills:Yeah, I got that from cousin T Todd and he had talked about the alpha show piece and that's because that's the field he you know he's in a Mel exotic dancing world, so but those are hunk. So the reason they make their money is they just got that fit, they got a combination of their physicality, but also that's a deduction piece. See, that's the thing that's needed, not just a body game, but you you still need to have, and people call, people might call a game, but you still need to communicate, excuse me, you still need to communicate with Women too. That's the charisma of these, because it's like, okay, you go.
Rom Wills:If, like, say, a man meets a woman, she real fine, she got all of this, but you're going to date. It's just some dumb shit. I mean, I've been out with some extremely attractive women, at least one woman that was featured in a magazine for her beauty. I was bored to sell on the date. I remember another woman I'm extremely attractive and I remember when I was married I was doing a vented event. That extremely attractive woman was there and my wife looked at me, say, you know, she asked me that. She asked me that. It's like, so you guys still had that charisma piece.
Darron Brown:No matter what you look like, you know some of those uh, I think honestly, some of those like really attractive women I've dealt with them just a few times they weren't that good in bed and a lot of them was like it's just a porno shit, like some shit, that was like that you wouldn't even think to do. You like what would you? You know and I think it's because the beautiful woman has the same thing that they're nerdy dude Do. The beautiful woman gets so much attention some, or Maybe they don't even get the guys that come after them, but they still have that sexual urge. So a lot of times they they get, they release somewhere else and it's similar to what these nice guys do they get it on from porn or whatnot. Those types of yeah well with beautiful women.
Rom Wills:Thing is they don't have to do anything. Guys, give them the play, give them the attention. That's all the woman had to do is just lay down real, she don't have to, she don't have to work, she's gonna get playing no matter what, because I'm gonna tell you what this some cold, bloody thing the best women to get was sexually in a five to seven room Because they know they got to work, they got to do.
Rom Wills:Actually they can't, they can't be acting funky, they want to keep that man. They got that Seriously. If you talk about just a pair of best sex, oh no, they're gonna be the clean clean because they know they have a Beautiful woman. Ultimately knows on a deep level, another guy gonna come for another guy going trick on, you know, and sometimes you don't even have to have sex with them. There's a lot of these guys. They walk around these very gorgeous women, you know, and somebody might think they're getting in and they're not. They just want to be seen with the woman. So if you talking about just pure, if you want to look good in public, oh yeah, definitely get the dimes. But if you want that really great sex, pay attention to those women who got to fix up honestly honestly, I'm at the age where I have a lot of things going for me right now.
Darron Brown:It's just, it's like the last few years, everything has been going up and accelerating up for me now and I've been more mindful of the type of woman I deal with and, honestly, I just need a woman that cooperates with me. Somebody that cooperates with me, respects me. I don't need the best looking one, but I do need somebody to take care of themselves. I take care of myself, I think that's the best one.
Rom Wills:So, yeah, that's the best ones. That's the most realistic and that's smart. Now, if you can get a gorgeous one, hey, that's great. That gives you everything. But a lot of guys too caught up in getting that fantasy figure, that icon, and first of all, they very rare anyway Women be if they women got makeup, they can put makeup down to the point you think is their real skin and stuff. You'd be like policy, smooth and stuff to get it off.
Rom Wills:You like they ain't ugly but they don't look the same and that, like you got very few like a hollyberry, cindy Crawford um yeah, women along those lines, they can take off the makeup and still look good. But a lot of other women, even some superstars, you see them without the makeup, you look like what?
Darron Brown:So your book nice guys and players what's the ultimate goal of your book Like? What are you really teaching men? You have the nice guy, you have the player, you have the games man and you have the mask man what well it's.
Rom Wills:Uh, those are all archetypes that's developed because you got mr Goodbar Okay, that's the closest to that next level, that's the closest. And they, they just had to work on a little bit of stuff Maybe, but they got that sex appeal. They got that raw sex appeal. The mask man they got some sex appeal, but they also are good socially to go out in public with everything. They got money and status and all of that. And nowadays, with women having their own money, now, the mask man they got to have more money.
Rom Wills:So if the women six figures, he need to be high, six figures, southern figures and stuff, but they said they not. And it's not necessarily going for the money, for the money, but it's more or less the image. You know, if, like, they are minister of politician or something, what's the image that the man is presented and it's a socially acceptable image. And then the games man those are like the persistent guys they get sex, but they got to work hard, they got to lie, they got a target like some very easy girls, something like that. And the nice guys are just totally clueless. But the ultimate thing, none of those are good for a man.
Rom Wills:See, I talk about being a real man. In my book that's going even beyond selecting, non select. The real man is being your most authentic self. And see, every man got that sex drive in every man. Every man get that stable side and every man got a nice guy and every man got a plan. He want to bring the best of both sides out and be that real man who's being authentic, true to himself, true to what he wants to do. You want to rise to that level and every man should be working towards that. That's the ultimate goal of it, because the society we have now, we need men to stand up.
Rom Wills:That's why I say, yeah, I got bait you with the relationship star stuff and you definitely get some good information. But I love it. I love it when men tell me they got a business started or they going back to school, they doing some great things with their lives. That's what I love to hear. And if you invite you go through my stuff, they say wait, man, I'm taking you to that point Because what happens is, once you get, what happens is this once a man gets really good at getting women ain't been through enough I'm he realized you know there's more to life than this.
Rom Wills:There's a lot of men don't get to where they're going because they still focus on the women, even if they make him money. You know, because it's just our nature, we want nothing and it's nothing wrong with that. But once a man gets good to that point, you say you know what? Let me just start working on this book I've been thinking about, let me do this other stuff. And plus you get a supportive woman and you really especially a supportive woman who's got her sexual energy up. You can go to another level.
Darron Brown:Why do they say a strong man has a strong woman by his side. Like, what does that really mean? Because I mean a lot of women today. I feel like they such, they believe a strong woman is like that power couple, that Beyonce going to school, getting that degree, getting a great job, having all these materialistic stuff. What is really a strong woman and how does she aid a man?
Rom Wills:A strong woman is complementary to a strong man. So it's not about her being independent, she needs to be working with that man. See, a strong woman shoes. She can energize that man to go to another level, particularly through sex, because he wanted things. I don't talk about it in the books, but one thing I'm big on the sex transmutation, taking that sexual energy.
Rom Wills:You say if a woman Opens up that man's sexually, got his, got a sexual energy full, then he could take that same energy and do some of the things he wants to do in life. Because the same drive he can get that fine woman or that woman who's sexy to him, the same drive he can make that business work. You know, he feels good about himself Like a man, like a woman could look at a man and tell he's getting some good. Good because he gonna, he gonna behave a certain way, he's gonna act a certain way, you know, and he's gonna have to drive and energy because think about when you get some really good sex she's you want to go out, you ain't just sleeping on anything, you want to go out and just kick some ass. You ever had a good good, so good. He's like damn, I'm fired up, let me work on a book real quick, you know. Let me work on this project feeling good.
Darron Brown:It's a spiritual thing.
Rom Wills:It's like she hit you on a deep level that's about oh, and that's to see.
Rom Wills:That's the ultimate level. That's the ultimate level because, unfortunately, you got some guys They'll have a good woman, but she don't. She's, she's not good for them sexually, she's not good for one sexually, so that's a problem. But you know, that's that. Texas is really on another conversation. That's just like you said. The purpose of the nice guys and players is for a man to rise to his best version of himself. You know that, just be. You know, because I, like you, got some content creators. They'd be trying to make it select versus non-select. I was like no, it's supposed to be non-select. Work on himself to become select and then even go beyond that. That's the whole, that's the thing. Ain't versus, I don't like. I can't stand when men try to be stuck there. Oh, these women don't want. Well, you want a woman, right? Okay, what's?
Darron Brown:your book was being reviewed by Mediocre tutorials. It wasn't him, but he had somebody on and I could tell the guy he wasn't fit. He was a nice guy. And they, whatever reason. It's not just him specifically, but men like him, like the the nice guy, or like the guys that come to the internet specifically for women. It's like they're not open to any new way of thinking. It's like it becomes a I don't know what they call it, but it's like the. Even though the same dating coaches or the same type of relationship guys, they'll get interviewed and all they do is recurgitate the same thing over and over again. And these nice guys are these guys, these in sales. They're listening. If there's any kind of vice like yours, they're just automatically dismissing it. You know Well trying to say why do you think like? You've been doing this for a while? Why is it that those guys that needed the most Reject the information that you actually put out there? Well, one, they haven't lived the life.
Rom Wills:You know, they could live one day in a sexual shadow world. If they can experience a woman, you know, showing up to their house just one time With nothing on but a cold or cold on this on my ears. If they can have women actively try to seduce them, they would know, they would know. So they one. They don't believe it because they haven't experienced it and to they don't want to even try it. I've told me, just try, just hit the gym for six months, just six months. See what it does. If nothing else, you gonna feel better about yourself, if nothing else. But women are still gonna look.
Rom Wills:I constantly get testimony from men every single day. They say wrong, uncle, wrong, wrong, uncle, wrong. You know, oh, gee, man, this woman, man, she's filling me up. I got this woman and everything. You know, that's all I say. But they don't want to do the work because it's not an overnight thing. Just try it.
Rom Wills:If they can be introduced to the feeling and everything is power. Look at me, I'm a 57 year old man but I got Women in it to. Young women is in their 20s who will introduce themselves to me. You know, I just, you know, just finished walking with a lady friend, it's you don't have to do much and it's so powerful, it makes you feel better. You don't have to do much and it's so powerful, it makes you feel a certain way, you know.
Rom Wills:And the thing is it's like, what am I doing? Well, one, I'm comfortable with my sexual side, you know, I let my energy flow and, no, I'm not in the same physical shape I was in when I was in my 20s. But shoot, I'm blowing away most guys my age. So it's like. And then I'm walking, confident. It works. See the guys. See what the guys want? They want some. They want the women to change up their nature. They're not gonna change up their nature. On the way to change up their nature, we need some major genetic mutations. They always want a certain type of man. That's not gonna change. It would take a hundred thousand years for a genetic change. In that it's easy. And it's easy for a guy to work on his body, work on his posture, you know, work on his confidence, build himself up, believe in himself. It's actually easy. And the women because the women out here so thirsty, because it's not enough for the men, they actually want to go around so shoot.
Rom Wills:You have a buyer's market for women. If you just fix yourself up, just do it. That's what I say. You know you get guys who say, well, you know, I don't think that'll work or anything. I say did you try? That's all I asked. I say, if you don't feel what I'm doing, you don't agree, please Tell me that you tried it at least. Please tell you, because I don't expect it. I don't say I don't expect it to work for everybody. It don't need to. You know, if it don't, it don't because everybody's gonna have a bunch of stuff that they might have going on with them that I can't address. They might need a fashion or mental health professional to address or something. But it do. At least try it. Because look, let's be real.
Rom Wills:And this is some serious stuff, because every time I think about man, I'm tired of this man. How many times can I say body game? I see some story about some man who's suffering because he's just lonely. I've met men who's just. I remember a guy. I remember the guy and you know he went in bad shape but he just had a weird vibe to him, just period, even tell the men, and he said you know, he just would like a man, a woman that he could take out, you know, spend some money on, and all of that, this, this, tons of men, there's a whole lot of. I saw Somebody shared a comment made by somebody on social media, talking about all the men out here who are suffering in silence, and I'm trying to help him. I'm saying, look, this works, you know, after I get off this interview, I can text somebody and go do what I want to do, and with a young lady in her 30s and this is coming from a 57 year old man I'm trying to help.
Rom Wills:And they need to ask themselves now if they doing something is working for them and, again, what they went out of. Women, okay, by all means key, but if it ain't working, listen, try to find who's it working for. When I'm, when I meet brothers who, brothers like yourself who hit in the gym working on their physicality, the only complaints I hear is how to manage multiple women. That's the only complaints I hear from they be they'll pay for consultations with me and they, they ain't even. They ain't even saying problems with women. They like oh, we're wrong. Man got this older married woman on my job going for me. Oh wrong. This is married woman trying to buy me stuff, you know, oh wrong. It's young girl is camping out in front of my house right now. What's up?
Darron Brown:I know what you're saying, but they just got to do a trip I had, honestly dealing with a lot of women like that. It can get exhausting. I learned that you can't have sex with all of them. That's what I learned that they will tear you apart you. You won't have time to do. You won't have time to do anything else that you really need to do. That's a real tough man.
Rom Wills:That's some real tough people don't realize. Yeah, many men want to get there. But once you, if you can get there, you realize you know what I need to cut back. I've talked, I've had consultations with Many a player like that. I say, man, you just cut back, keep one or two good ones, you know, keep you maintained, but work on your other stuff. And he did exactly. But a man needs to get to that level and I'm just, oh, that's all I'm doing.
Rom Wills:I'm telling I say I and I told people you doubt what I'm saying, put me in the lie detector test. I've come back. I mean, go ahead, what bad go? No, I was just gonna say you know, people asked about receiving stuff. I'm like well, shoot. One time I did a video with a young girl that was my girlfriend and they still had problems. I'm like, damn, she in a car seat with what else I gotta do. That's how much they fight it. So I say you know what? Just try it yourself. That's why I tell people, no matter what I say, go apply the information. That's all I say, just apply. And if you, if you applied it, you can show you apply it, then we'll deal with that. And then work, then we'll deal with that, but just go apply it first.
Darron Brown:That's all I told you. Naturally, I'm more of a family man type of guy and I'm also more of an intellectual and I'll bit myself in for the few times like I've had women tell me. Like, hey, they were telling me indirectly that I was dealing was like, hey, you know, I don't mind sharing, sharing, sharing a man, I just have to be number one. I've had women tell me that. And then I've had women like, like your game, a lot of men, they're not aware how powerful presentation is.
Darron Brown:I've always had a nice body but I never used it. I used to wear clothes that were way too baggy and then when I started doing, when I went to the gym, I started wearing like compression, like from like football, my Nike compression. And then instantly you'll see women Just be like, you know, like I can see them, I could see them. I'm like whoa, I didn't know she Look like that, like when she's looking, when she's checking somebody out. I didn't realize how aggressive they could be, because some of these women are the proper type. You would look at them and think, like all their wholesome, but Nate, they all gravitate to. You know that level of sexuality.
Rom Wills:Well, let me break that down. They're vaginas are twitching. Once they get that blood flowing down there, they can lose their mind, they lose their composure, they're not used to it. So they around a man that's turning them on physically like that, oh, they come out of character. Yeah, they'll even say it, they'll be like I don't usually do this, but you know, and it'd be, it'd be from the woman you think. Wait a minute. Aren't you a minister? Yeah, you know. Aren't you, don't you, a doctor? Aren't you an attorney? You know, aren't you a grandmother?
Darron Brown:I Mean you'd be seeing, I had a woman that was with the dude. He was muscler as well. He just wasn't as like defined as I was, but when she saw me she was like Talking to the guy and then she kept like Looking at me. I can see her like talking to do, but she couldn't keep her eyes away from me and then the dude started checking me out. That's what happened. To do is checking me out for the rest of the you know my workout, but um, yeah, man, you know I just was testing. My point is that I was testing what you were saying because I wanted to see if it really worked, because I would, you know. I appreciate.
Darron Brown:I got um. I guess I got manipulated over time to believe in that it was something else that we're more attracted to, but it makes sense.
Rom Wills:You got a lot of lies out there. See, I'm gonna tell you what is the thing with women. You know I don't go anywhere, but I got calling on on this. They will let men think exactly what they want. Why would they do that? Oh, they need somebody help them move their furniture. They need somebody take them to Ruth Chris, they need somebody to give them some presence or something. They do they benefiting from these guys who are clueless. You know they can get money out of them, they can get a promotion out of them, everything, and they'll just let the guys do it. You know, you got some women.
Rom Wills:I knew of a woman. She was in a luxury apartment and she wasn't a sugar baby either, but she didn't pay for anything in that apartment. She didn't pay for a single thing and she had rarely had sex with the guys either. You had guys who were trying to win her over. They had buyer stuff. Give her money to get something, everything. You know, I've known a few women like that. Then they run that game and see, that's the problem with guys taking out their wallet. A woman will divest them over the month. Yeah, what? Just the carrot of sex. They don't even have to have sex.
Rom Wills:In fact I knew this woman. She had this guy always. She said she was or Unemployed for a year and a half and didn't have to go on welfare because this guy was paying for everything. And I looked at I said she's just breaking off something, like that man off something you know. Just to be right, she said wrong, if I did that, he ain't gonna pay for anything anymore. And I watched him give her money. So women be running that game, you know. That's why I'd say keep your wallet in. Keep the wallet in your pocket, because you'll find out right away how the woman sees you. If she still want to deal with you, okay, she generally like you. If she's like, oh, you take me to dinner, I feel offended or something, it's like, okay, that's how you see me. All right, okay, I respect that I ain't spending on money, but I respect the book sexual chemistry.
Darron Brown:You mentioned the inner masculine. How long do I have you wrong? Because I have a list of questions. I you know I don't make sure that.
Rom Wills:As long as you need, okay, so ain't like I got a job.
Darron Brown:Ha ha lovely. Inner masculine. What is the inner masculine? What do you mean by that?
Rom Wills:That the inner masculine is the masculinity that all men have. If you've born, if you've born and you, you have a penis. You have even just a little bit of testosterone, you got masculinity in. But what happens is we in a society that does is is utmost best to suppress that masculine. Men, men, look, men, don't go out and hunt anymore. Most men wouldn't that fight straight up another man. You know, sometimes you can get a man who could still be a man on the football field. They can look that energy out, but often do is that one every day life? You get men who are working in offices, stuff like that. They follow in alone. It suppresses their masculinity and stuff. You know it suppresses it, but it's still there anyway.
Rom Wills:Every man has it in my book nice guys and players. I strongly recommend every man Develop some type of business, even if he don't really need it. He could be making six figures, seven figures. Develop something that he has total control over, like if he's in a career Okay, I respect that and everything. But develop something he's in total control. That helps develop his inner masculine and stuff. Like women, they do have an attraction for hustlers because the hustler, the male hustler, has to have His masculinity out to make money. He got, he got a hunt for that money and that would do something to the woman. Like I said, the body is the base, but he still has to have a certain level of charisma. He still has to have that masculine. So men have to read and unleash that masculine. It's still there, I don't care what it is, even your testosterone You're talking about guys with low testosterone.
Rom Wills:Hey, you work out, you can increase it. You eat certain foods. You can increase it. That's easily increased. But so many men think it's just biological. It's like no, you got something meant. All they do is play computer games. You know what he do is send in house. They don't go out there on exercise. Another thing with body gaming helps increase your testosterone. Just by doing leg exercises it increased. Your body has to respond to the stress that you put in on. You know, at my age, one of the reasons men my age need to do is because I'm a man, I age need to do resistance training because it keeps the testosterone up, because you straightening your body, saying, oh okay, we got to give them more energy. So you know. So that's the inner masculine. It's there every single man. If you a man, you have a work, you have a penis, you you got it in you. It's just a question Are you working to bring it out?
Darron Brown:So that's the something I noticed in myself. I'm gonna say my early like more of my early 20s, when I went from, when I went into a different class, specifically in college, being hard came naturally to me. I had to learn how to chill out because of just the environment I grew up in. You had to be hard and I Didn't notice that when I softened up it also impacted my relationships. Where I'm at right now today, I've learned that, just how society lies about relationships, society also lies about the way that you have to carry yourself. What I've learned you really don't have to do that, even even Even in your everyday life, you dealing with people, you can still carry yourself like a man and speak like a man, be aggressive, be assertive, because people respond to that.
Darron Brown:I think a lot of people can tell when you're wearing that mask because they're wearing that mask. So when they speak to you, they try to see okay, are you gonna play the same role that I'm gonna play? And if you play that role, that's when you know you can be taken advantage of because you're expecting that person to act a certain way. Have you ever had to go? Yeah, have you ever had to? Have you ever lost your masculinity and found your masculinity.
Rom Wills:Refunded. I wouldn't say I never lost it totally, because even when I was on jobs and stuff or I used to go to human resources for booking, a manager had to quit my job several times yeah.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:Yeah, so I never suppressed it totally, but you did have to turn it down and I could tell in the difference in how I was responding otherwise, even how I was speaking, because I was on one job and I was like I was stuttering when I was speaking. I was like, okay, so you?
Rom Wills:think that okay, that's what it was. It's oppressive. Wasn't totally suppressed, though, because in the outside world I still had. I was living in the area as an adult where I had to have some thug. Yeah, yeah, I had to have some thug because the neighborhood was, it was on that edge.
Darron Brown:People try you. Already got people try you yeah, yeah.
Rom Wills:So that didn't help. But then when I'm on the job or something which is why I can't work for anybody I was like I had to suppress it to keep things going. I can't, you know, you got to suppress it. But then even then sometimes it would come out hard. I would get in screaming matches with a manager. I couldn't hold it back. The same thing, same thing happened to me and I have no problem. I have no problem saying that that's why I cannot work for anybody.
Rom Wills:Even Even now, on my page, when somebody try to tell me to do some type of video or something, I'd be like no, I might even delete the comment because I'm like I got to a point. I can't have anybody telling me anything because that is a fucked up exit. It's fucked up, like I said on my last full-time job, one of the things that hasten my deep in the job. I was about to go to the job of a manager. I was about to go stride. The police might have been called and everything. Yeah, if I run into the person, he knew it because he walked away, because he said you about to hit me. It's like damn, he picked up on because he was saying some bullshit. He had to apologize, but he was saying something. I was just slowly cocking my head to the side. If I do that, that's when I'm like Wait, and I was giving him a look like and I fuck this looking for the money, looking for the right angle yeah, I was just looking at because it was some some bullshit.
Rom Wills:Anyway, he had to apologize to me the next day. He had to apologize but I said this was unnecessary and they had co-workers trying me and everything because they thought they could and I was like yeah, like I said, I've been in human resources more for confrontations with managers.
Darron Brown:Yeah, at different levels, because I was like this isn't me, because you're a man. Yeah, you feel you and they feel intimidated. So, because they have a level of authority over you, they want, oh, man, you. That's really what it is, you know.
Rom Wills:I've seen yeah, I've seen like little dorky ass dudes being a managing position on a job and they trying to boss some people around. I was like man, you best stop all that. Seriously, seriously, I've seen that happen. You do get some little nice guy, nerdy ass, dorky ass Lane who's in a position.
Rom Wills:No, I'm gonna just say it like that Especially if you kind of big and look, let's bring the racial thing. If you're a black man on some of these things, you know they want to bring it. I don't care. Hey, look, okay if I offend anybody, but let's be real. If you an intelligent black man who want to stand up, oh, you know they trying to get a feeling, trying to break you down or something.
Rom Wills:Yeah though they'll look for something and it's just like cuz they intimidate, yeah, and you let them know. That's the worst thing. That's the American nightmare. Serious black man ain't putting on with that shit. Seriously okay, and that's it. That's why they try to, they try to hit it and really they try to hit all men.
Darron Brown:All right, before I get a lot of men regardless, before I get lost. Regarding the masculinity, mm-hmm, you say like you know you can't handle it at the workplace. But I've learned as I've gotten older. You know when you play that you wear that mask a little bit. You're trying not to be too threatening because I have. I have boys from where I grew up that that are playing ball.
Darron Brown:They play ball at the UN. Now they've done they here and I can see what they're doing. They're smiling more they're, they're increasing, their voice is higher, they're trying to be more inviting, but they're not aware that you invite demons into your circle. The people who don't like you.
Darron Brown:Those, the people who like you, regardless of how you like, how you act, they're gonna be receptive to you. But you letting you let the wrong people get comfortable around you. You know, that's what I've learned. I've learned that a you got, a you got to cut off. It's not. It don't just happen to workplace, it happens in your everyday life with the type of people you have around you. And I just, my patience has gotten down a lot More and I'm happy I got no, there.
Rom Wills:And and that's the thing, man, that's why I was, especially Repp, recommended for black men. Just try to develop your own thing, or or at least, if you can't your own thing, try to I lie with other Black men or even men of other races who will respect you as a man. Yeah, as far as what you do, it Shoot. Because there's some white men, I would rather be around than some brothers yeah, some brothers. You got some brothers on some bullshit and then the white men willing to stand up, like me, I'd rather be around it.
Darron Brown:It's not really I get how you support in the brothers, but it's not on a really deep, deep level. It's not a racial thing. You want to be around men. It's just those same white guys are hungry to be around men too, because they get the same thing.
Rom Wills:Yeah, I like, yeah I like them, I don't have a problem. Yeah, and shoot, shoot, I've got you. Got along with some white nationalist types who were respecting me as a man Believe it or not, she wasn't actually. Yeah, they respected it. They were like, shoot, I was, I was their manager on some jobs, and whatever I asked them to do, I say go clean the toilet They'd be like, hey, where's the soap at? Yeah, but they were men, though. You know, of course, we had differences of opinion, but we actually discussed it like that's what it is, and we respected each other. You know, they say, look, man, we about our folks and stuff. Hey, that's cool.
Darron Brown:That's because it's refreshing to be around a man. There's a push in society for men to be goofy. In my neighborhood you couldn't be goofy and, as I've climbed, a lot of people.
Rom Wills:I'm gonna tell you where it's coming from. I'm gonna tell you where that's coming from. Part of its racial, but part of it's even against men of other races, from men at the top, because they don't want any men to come against you.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:So they know. After a while you get a critical mass of men who stand up, things change, you know. And if men understand that and just rep, you know everybody recognize Okay, look, we can be cool. I don't want you fucking my daughter. I won't fuck you. It happens anyway, but we know, just be real about it. I mean, it happens anyway, but you know what, and actually shoot. I've met some white men. They would rather have a masculine brother with their daughter than one of their own people.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:I've actually met a couple because they were looking at the greater thing.
Darron Brown:They're looking at his character, because yeah, and see, here's the thing.
Rom Wills:No, this is something else too. You know, even with this feminism and all of that, even they want a man. They try to come against it, but see, they just don't really, they don't want to be with them. One had to be forced to marry a weak man, but as soon as they get around a man who's a man, oh, they come in line too. I've seen women like that. They'd be real tough. All of a sudden, they get that one man and they like, yes, sir, yes, daddy, and all of that.
Rom Wills:But see, you got so many forces arrayed against that, for whatever reason. Some of some of it's something at the top. Some of it is Non-select men or, if you want to, you know, for reference purposes, beta types, men who are weak, men who know they can't compete with that like real man and everything. So you know it, it's tough. No, look, let's just be real. It's tough, it's a fight, but we're gonna win because it's part of nature. I'll just say that straight up. The man's gonna win. And in fact, I think some men have some detractors of my guy problem, what I'm saying, because I'm telling men to stand up. You get a critical mass of men who stand up, a lot of stuff won't happen. There'd be peace around it.
Rom Wills:You guys, you do have some communities where it's mostly real men. They don't even need the police. There ain't nothing going to happen. You get like some rural communities and stuff. So I see some white rural communities. You got some real men. You know, shoot you, come through. They got you might be driving through. It might be just some guy on the side of the road you ain't thinking about. He didn't got on his phone, said, told everybody else, they just chillin, it's like what you doing. Yeah, all right, you know you used to be that. You got some black neighborhoods like that. You know you got the men up there. They ain't let nothing happen. So, as you said, you needed a pass to walk on that block. You probably got some Hispanic communities like that, some Asian communities, especially across the world. They still exist. But you know there's a lot of forces. They come in fewer and fewer because a lot of forces are going. You know they take an easy way out.
Darron Brown:There's a brother that I know. He has a suit company and he's from LA. He grew up hard, he improved his life. He out here in Utah as well and um he, he keeps running into trouble with the black man that he's dealing with because he's doing well and he's trying to help other black men. And what I told him was is that, man, your problem is is that you're a king, you're a lion and you hanging out with swine. These swine are wondering. The swine are wondering why is he talking to us? Because all you're doing is bringing you.
Darron Brown:You think you lifting them up, but really you putting yourself on the same level level as them and they know that they're not worthy to be on your level and they're disrespecting you. I say what you need to do, man, it's to keep climbing and it'll give people the opportunity to look at where you at and to aspire to be where you at. That's how you influence people. My point is is that I don't think, as I'm working on myself, working on my business and trying to make things happen, I feel like you don't need Every black man or every man to be on your side to to support you, for you to actually build the type of community that you're talking about. I just think you need a few solid, strong men that All have mutual interests, that can come together and then make that happen, because it can happen. It can happen faster than people think it can happen.
Rom Wills:You know it can, and I agree with you need a critical mass. Um, you need a critical mass of men to stand up and it things that change. Things that change, because that's what really is going on. Everybody thinks this other stuff is is coming down to a social order. You know, that's one thing in my books, especially sexual chemistry, I say, hey, it goes beyond getting women. You know even that sexual energy is about saying, okay, you got this sexual power, you got this influence over women. Okay, use it for something greater. Because I'll tell you what, like you got a lot of men complaining about how women behave.
Rom Wills:If you get a critical mass of the select men say, hey, ladies, I need y'all to wear skirts down to your ankles and I need you to wear your hair and buns, guess what will happen starting the next day? They're gonna do that because that's one of the things the women will always submit and I say I won't go and use that word publicly, but let's do the real one. They'll submit to those top men. If they haven't, top men know what he's doing and they say this what you need to do this, what you need to behave as, boom, because the women want to get with them.
Rom Wills:But you say, well, hold up, I need you to change your behavior to deal with me. She's gonna do it. She is going to do it Because that's how powerful and you get that critical mass of men who stand up and say, no, we ain't allowing this, this. What you need to do, that's how you want to behave. They want to do you talk. I ain't even gonna say they might do it. They going to do it because they do it. Now you got communes across the across the world where you got them stand up and the women ain't giving them any help.
Darron Brown:What are your thoughts on female hypergamy? I hear that a lot, do you. What are your thoughts on that?
Rom Wills:Well, one of the things let me let me. Let me because, first of all, technically, female hypergamy means Technically, a woman moving up from one social class to the other. Right, that's the technical mean. Only a few women can actually do that. Some very attractive one Can do that. Most women stay within their social class.
Rom Wills:Now, the way people use it, they just going for the best man really in their environment. Yes, that's normal with women, the nature of women, they said. But they actually control the quality of humans that will be coming to the future. We can have all the seed we want, but that's that baby got, come through her. They decide the future of any community.
Rom Wills:They decide in the future of the human race because they decide in whose genes are going into the future and who's a net and they're very nature is they want the best, or what they even perceive as the best and see that's one issue. That's another reason they'll go for the primal thing and when they go for it, it's not just the physicality of the man, but his is masculinity and his intelligence, and I don't mean in an academic sense, but they're looking for the healthiest, they're looking for the best, and that's just their nature. Look for wisdom now. They don't always get the best, they don't always get that, but that's what they would want, and if you give them an opportunity, they will do that. So that's just part of their thing. That's just a part of it, and if you have some righteous men who are at the top, that's actually better for the entire species.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:Because, let's look, I just gotta be cold-blooded about it. I like so-called nice guys or non select guys. The reality is they call themselves nice but if you really look at them overall, a lot of them don't. You got a small percentage. You've got houses, cars. They're doing something. Just a tiny percentage Over one.
Rom Wills:The majority of them ain't doing shit with their life. Yeah, they are not doing shit. They don't have anything. They got shit they need to work on. The majority of them are not worthy for a woman and I've told women on my women's channel. I say look we sure they got at least got something going on for them. If they're working, they'll work, and that's normal. They want to go for that, that's just normal. So instead of men getting mad about it, develop yourselves into one of those Men. Like it or not, sex is a competition, maiden is a competition, the survival of fitness. Nature is cold-blooded and men just got to deal with that and women have a choice now especially. There was a period where they didn't have as much of a choice and in some cultures they make sure they have as much of a choice. They got a choice now. So if a man really wants a woman, he's going to have to compete. He's going to have to compete.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:Every single woman we men like us get with, there's somebody else when the equal status try and get with her too, there's always a competition.
Darron Brown:Well, unfortunately for a lot of men. I like to compete. It's send me. I love it. I love improving myself and going at it with everything, whether it's fighting, whether it's going for women or going for money, I don't want to me.
Rom Wills:That's, that's what? Well, that's me too, man. When I've dealt with women, I felt funny if I ain't felt like another man was going for yeah.
Rom Wills:I actually had a girlfriend and I think like, oh, you guys trying to highlight she's like no, as soon as some guys like, well, this guy try to talk to me, I was like, yeah, I'm hitting it though, seriously, that's how I be thinking about it. I think about that, well, by co-parent man, because even at her age now she's still getting on, she's fifties but she still got a lot of attention from young boys and stuff. I was like, yeah, but she had my baby though. Yeah, now, what you know, and that's, honestly, men gotta be that way because that's just a reality. That's just a reality. You know, guys want these fine dimes and stuff. Well, she got 50 men trying to get, a hundred men trying to get out. You know 20 men, 20, 30, 50 men trying to talk to her every day, checking her out.
Darron Brown:You gotta feel like, you gotta compete for like you to talk.
Rom Wills:You gotta be, yeah, you gotta be, and there's nothing wrong with that. I think it makes it a better thing if people are competing to be the best. There's nothing wrong with too many guys just want the women just to settle in everything.
Darron Brown:One of my, one of the things you mentioned on one of your videos. You said that, um, a man had to be thorough and that's what I got from my neighborhood growing up. I knew just go, just going outside when you a kid. You go outside, you see people who are better than you, have certain things and you learn. You learn what you need to learn and, um, I always understood it, that you need it to know how to fight or be willing to fight. Even the dorks back home knew that you, eventually he's gonna have to throw some hands and you had to play ball. You have to. You have to basically hit on all levels or whatnot. What you know that seemed to be lost from the male community in america as a whole. You know that, dude.
Rom Wills:Well, that's actually. That's actually a thing in my book. I mean, I use the term real man. I could have said thorough.
Rom Wills:Okay, that thorough man is hitting on all cylinders. That's how it was. I remember there was a. It was a t-shirt somebody made, it was called main man, right, and he had you know the one, those cartoon shirts and dudes in different positions. He's having sex with a woman main man. He's dumping a basketball somebody main man. He's counting some money main man.
Rom Wills:When I was coming up and see that's what, ultimately, what nice guys in his plays is based on, the thorough dudes, the dude who could go like, coming up, you need to be able to be good at some sport. You didn't have to be the superstider, but you need to be able to compete at some sport effectively. You know, my thing was a good compete a soccer. I could compete at football. I could compete at basketball.
Rom Wills:You know, you had to be able to throw hands. You didn't have to be like halfway champion of the world or anything, but you had to be able to defend yourself in the fight. There was some ass weapons I took and still got respect because I stood up and they were like you know what, in fact, the dude who whipped my ass. Nobody else would. He would say you don't touch him or y'all gotta go through me. Seriously, that's how I was, that's how I was. You fight somebody as long as you stood up to them, even if they won, they'd be the one to pick you up and say yo man, I respect that man. Yo man, anybody come for you, let me know. I got him. Seriously, I've had that happen, you know. So you had to be able to fight, you had to be able to talk to girls.
Darron Brown:Yes, yes, you had to be able to talk to girls.
Rom Wills:You had to be able to shoot the breeze, it was just a normal thing. You had to be a man. The older guys, they thought you had to be one. They said, go talk to that girl. Go talk to that girl. Remember, when I was coming up, there was a young girl who moved in my neighborhood. The dudes at my school, she lived around you, not going to door, yet they were like that. They were like you had to be able to talk to a girl, even if you were like a nerd, because in high school and stuff, I was considered well, in DC we call it a bam. I was considered a cool bam because they used to purposely wear high-wares so you could see my polo socks. But I was a cool bammer, though, because I knew what parties are and stuff, and I still went to my prom. I still had a girl.
Rom Wills:So you had to be able to hit on all those lives and there was nothing wrong with it, it was the full development. So you had the physicality, that's body game. You could fight, you could hold your own. So that's the fighting, that's the warrior thing and stuff. Even being in school, man, I mean there might be some change, but when I was coming up, if you did well in school, that was respected, as long as you could do other stuff and some of the most thorough dudes I mean some of the best athletes, some of the biggest fighters they were also good in school too, so you could hit on multiple levels, and definitely you had to be able to talk to women. You couldn't. That was a must.
Darron Brown:That was a must. I remember being 14, right, when I was 14, I won most athletic, most popular, best eyes, right. But it was this grimy guy named Aaron Williams Aaron Williams, right. And I remember that he would hit on a bunch of girls and you know some of the girls because I was one of the more popular guys. The girls will come to like our group and tell us and talk shit about them behind his back and eventually Aaron ended up getting a girl and I remember thinking to myself like if he keeps talking, he keeps doing that, he's going to get real good at it. And I just just in my neighborhood, in general it was more social and I saw that there were guys with beautiful women that you wouldn't even think would be able to get with those women, but it was because they were aggressive, they knew how to speak to a woman and I think a lot of men today like they forgot about the romantic aspect of like attraction. You know it's lost, oh yeah.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:Well, you know what? And it's a big social thing and even on my channel I'm getting more into the social aspect and stuff because I'm seeing that's the big thing A lot of guys don't know how to really just talk to them, how you have to be, how you had to be able to shoot that breeze with just even just shooting the breeze with just some random woman you walk in past, how you talking to her like, how she looking, maybe just saying hi to her or something like that. Because that's a big thing with women, that rap we used to call it that rap. But that conversation, man, you could get a woman want to sleep with you and you don't need to bring up sex in it. But that conversation flowing so good, she feeling good, she might be like, hey, you know, let's continue this at my place you want to come over. You know, seriously, and it wasn't no magic to it. Some guys look at it as some magic or some more use the term mouthpiece. I was like man, if you can just talk.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:See to me I'm going to tell you what I ain't getting into it as much in nice guys and players or sexual chemistry, because I thought it was natural. I didn't take any classes or anything, you know, coming up. It was normal to interact with the little girls.
Darron Brown:It was just normal.
Rom Wills:It was normal man. You know, I was coming up in the 70s and 80s. It was normal to play like spend a bottle of hide and go seek hide and go get. It was normal yeah, it was normal to go to a party and grind up on girls.
Darron Brown:I lost my virginity. I lost my virginity to play hide and go get hey man, that's how some little girls work.
Rom Wills:Hey, man, that's how they work, man, because they were just. They just want to have that sexual curiosity. One thought they were in love with you and shit. Sometimes they'd be like their parents. There's a lot of young women I don't know how it is now exactly, but there were a lot of young women, young girls. Their parents went home, they just wanted to do it. They went in love with you or something. As long as you look halfway cute to them, they'd be like hey, you want to come over, hey, you want to do it? Yeah, okay, I guess some stories behind that. They be taking turns. You know, you doing, you doing something with one other one sitting there reading a magazine or looking through something while you doing it, and then it'd be her turn.
Darron Brown:It's a social aspect.
Darron Brown:There's something going on in the culture, Like you mentioned when we first started, that this guy said women, I did everything you said I need to do, but women are just mean. I think that I know what he's talking about when he says women are mean. But I know that, like you said, if you just know how to just have a casual conversation, a normal conversation with women they saw that normal conversation you can kind of tell if they actually keep in that normal conversation going. You can tell within the first few seconds of somebody's open to talking to you, you know. So he just has to learn how to take a loss and basically surround himself around women who are receptive to what he deliver.
Rom Wills:Well, it's the thing with that and I won't tell any young man this you said they still got to like what you look like and even if you ain't like, yeah, you still want to hit the gym as best as possible. You know, let the barber bless you and stuff and dress. Well, you got to have something physically try. You got to have something to stop them. You got to have something to stop them and then you got to take the conversation from there. That's why I tell men, like just getting started, start out by saying hi to three women a day. The purpose of that is to get them comfortable where they can start having a small talk with a random woman. Any place it could happen.
Rom Wills:Anyway, I've met women on buses, subways, at bus stops. You know there was this one fine woman in downtown DC. I would see her at a bus stop at a certain time all the time. So I just timed it right. And then the conversation. I even start out talking. I just see it and just at first is walk past the next time hey, how you doing? You be going say that again. They say you know what are we always saying Hi, what's your name, you know? And it just flowed, just flowed from there and flowed all the way to her bedroom. That's all it took and it was just just got them comfortable, just talk Like don't, don't see one thing. Too too many guys even now they think they got to have some special word or something. It's like no, just flow with it. She can tell if you're trying to play and, plus, if she even talking to you, she got some interest and she might just say you know, you might be in a grocery store or something, you're looking at something, and she might be like you ever tried those.
Rom Wills:Yeah, it was like boom, she just opened up. She just opened up everything. Or she might see like you wearing a shirt, something, and say, oh, that's a nice design. Or oh yeah, talk about it. Boom, you know, I was in a store one time behind this. It was an Asian woman, too Nice body, everything. I picked up this magazine, it was a Star Trek thing. She was like, oh yeah, definitely that's some great stuff. She opened it up right there. You know, and you know it ain't saying everything.
Darron Brown:You got to have an instinct for it. You got to have an instinct for it.
Rom Wills:But you got to be able to it. Never know, because women they do. That's the idea of like, open it up, they'll just open it up. You just got to pay attention. You know there's women in local stores now now, local grocery stores, department stores, whatever they're, just like I'm gonna show my face. Servers, restaurants and stuff. Casual conversation, just casual conversation, and I'm not even trying to See. That's another thing.
Rom Wills:Men got to get out of the idea. First. Men got to get to the point they can talk to women. Then, even when they talk, everything don't have to be sex, but you can still get the woman interested. She just like you. See, that's something that I talked about a lot of times. Women just like a guy. If they just seriously, they just like you or something. You might just talk to you and say you know he's real cool and everything. And then they started getting more interested. All of a sudden you might casually compliment them on their hair. All of a sudden. You notice every time they see you they always change in their hairstyle to get that compliment again.
Rom Wills:It's just parasocial because you got to have that connection. Okay, how built you are, how handsome you are, how tall you are, how fly your clothes are, you still got to connect. But that other stuff is important to at least catch her eye. Talk about it. Catch her eye, then that opens it up for the conversation. Open up for the conversation. You got to talk, you got to have fun, you got to make it go on a date or, to be honest, you got to make it go straight to one of your places, yeah, or, depending where you, at Motel 6 or behind 7-Eleven.
Darron Brown:You. I'm going to go to the next question. You talk about finding your tribe. How important is that? A lot of people don't talk about that. Finding your group it's funny to try to open to you.
Rom Wills:Let me, let me, let me. I was on just basic game and it's ironic. There was a woman on who was on YouTube years ago I think she just left, but she called herself a lady Mac and she broke that game down. It's this is very simple Find the women who like you. Naturally, that's your tribe. And if anybody pay attention, they generally going to look the same. My tribe is generally women with a fat, or either fat or as a pretty women who are slim. It's harder with the slim women. I prefer the fat asses, but it's certain types of women. When I look at the women who are nationally friendly to them, all their body builds are similar. That education level is similar.
Rom Wills:If a man develops himself, what he'll find is he is a reflection of what a woman is looking for. Because on a deep level let me go deep for a second All people kind of look for their own reflection in a meat. So the more you develop yourself, the women who match, which you bring it out, the broadcast you get, are going to gravitate towards you. They're going to click. They're going to click. That's your tribe. So the thing is, a man got to figure out which women click with him the quickest. Like I said, it's a physical thing, it's a personality thing and if a man can figure that out, he always has a 90% chance of getting that particular woman, if he recognizes that's the type of woman he usually is. I'm going to say 90% and people say, oh, that's crazy. I say no.
Rom Wills:If you understand who likes you, naturally think about all the women. That was easy for you. You had to. I mean, they were just easy. You could talk to them all the time. Sex came easy. Think about all the women that you had to work on to get sex. Like you had to do all this stuff, all this extra stuff. Then think about the women who just outright rejected you Find the commonality with each one, like with the women who naturally seem like they like you, they want to talk to you, they want to be around you. What's the commonality? And then ask yourself do you like that commonality? And if you don't, well, maybe you need to, because hymns would say go for the women who, like you Players, they don't really work hard, they go for the nine times out of 10, they go for the women who choose them, who show an interest, who, trying to seduce them, real place.
Darron Brown:I'm glad you said that, because this is something that you know, that I'm curious about myself because you kind of nailed it If there's a group of women that if you don't like your tribe, you need to learn to appreciate your tribe, because I know that for me.
Darron Brown:I thought, because I was a you know, I have a master's degree collision athlete I would go for these like bougie women, but I would always get rejected Not always, but I mean it was. I had a harder time with like the bougie or upper class type of women or upper middle class. I was trying to portray certain, a certain image, but the woman I usually got with was usually, I mean, if you talk about body wise, they usually were super small and petite, which I'm not really into, or they was tall and like, not just like in shape but like tall and strong. You ever see, like those, yeah, yeah, yeah, and like tall and strong, like, yeah, I would get those women a lot their attention. But you're right, it's all about a pre know who you are and appreciate, appreciate what you have.
Rom Wills:Yeah, and you'll find and see. Here's the thing with it. Okay, like I always talk about the woman's butt dump, I wasn't into having a woman having a big fat ass. At first I was more of a leg man, seriously. But then I said, wait a minute, all these fat butt women like showing interest. Hmm, maybe I need to learn to appreciate that, you know. I mean that's not bad, but it wasn't like a major thing with you. But then I started noticing and I was like, wait a minute, she had a fat ass.
Darron Brown:They don't treat you better. I saw a paying attention. They treat you better too.
Rom Wills:Yeah, that's the, that's the main thing. See, too many men struggle against a woman. You want to develop yourself, get the type of woman who, like you. Naturally, they ain't going to struggle, you ain't going to struggle with them, you ain't going to have to fight them. You know you don't have to work hard. They the type if you say, okay, I'm going to work on this business, they got you. Because it's not just the physicality, it's not just the class, it's the like they, you click with them. That's the word click, you just click.
Darron Brown:I got the personalities fit to go. I have a few more questions I want to ask you on male empowerment. Now, currently there's a war on masculinity and you teach men you haven't used this in a while but you talk about the wolf. You talk about releasing the wolf and really how the wolf can benefit you, not just in relationships but in life and journal. Can you like discuss that one more?
Rom Wills:Well, that's part of the inner masculine, that's that, that's that man and you that just want to go out and reach out and get it. You still got a kind of you still got this put like this. You don't want to stifle it, you kind of want to ride that wolf. You know, when you want to make that raid, get that raise on a job, you want to be that tag on walking there and say, look, that's why I deserve a raise. Look, I'm dead in the eye when you in that business, it gives you that energy to do that hustle when you like working out and stuff and you get those days you do that Feel like getting out of bed.
Rom Wills:You know what. You rather just eat a bunch of food, but then you had to discipline to go do it. It pushes you to that next level. And also, too, sometimes they would've got to like snarl bear those fangs. Sometimes you got to do that. Sometimes you got. Unfortunately, in the society people think it's gotten all peaceful. They know it has. Yeah, sometimes you got to let the person know, hey, you'll go to their job.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:And I ain't trying to be funny or trying to just say and they ain't no light talk, but seriously, sometimes you, you've got to walk into someplace like, yeah, which I want to suck.
Darron Brown:You got to.
Rom Wills:Unfortunately.
Rom Wills:I mean, you know you got some guys think, yeah, some guys think it can be peaceful, but no, you got predators. You got predators. That is you, you're in the wrong place. People checking out everything. You know, it's like moving in certain neighborhoods. You, yeah, yeah, if you got like you get some 60 inch TV, you better move it in in the middle of the night, seriously, because you move it in during the day. Or they see, you got something. No, somebody checking out something. Sometimes you got to let them know. Okay, just what you got to deal with.
Rom Wills:Like a story I like to tell when I was working at this gym it was a snowy night and there was some young boys hanging around this member's car and this dude was somebody. The car belonged to this dude, the member. He could bench press 400. He went out there with snow coming down, nothing on but his tank top, and walked out there and told him back off his car and he came back in and he said I just had to let him know what they had to deal with. 20 minutes later they'll sing young boys robbed like a Chinese place. They robbed, they had weapons on. So he walked out there and basically pumped a couple of armed dudes and stuff and sometimes you got to be that way. Yeah, you know, sometimes you got to let people know I don't care, even in this society is stuff? Yeah, people will get in trouble and stuff, but you got to let them know. Look, this is how far you got to go. If you're going to, if you're going to mess with, yeah, and you do have some people, because if you, if I'm forcing if you let people let them know they can get away with stuff with you or there's some people will try it, they will pump you, they will take advantage of you on your job.
Rom Wills:I told you about that manager on my last job and stuff. I was about to go to his job. I found out later after I left. He threw a box at somebody and another person on there at the job. He threw something at that person's head. I said if it did that to me, I'd have been the police, would have been called, cause I would have got fired that day. Yeah, cause I would have grabbed him and I'd bust his head over.
Rom Wills:But sometimes you got to be that way. You got to have that attitude. You got to be ready If somebody were to touch my sons, my family, even my co-parent. Now. Oh no, I'm going for it. It ain't my lady friend. Somebody stepped on wrong. I'm ready to go for it and unfortunately you got to be that way. I'm fortunate, yeah, cause you got some. You got like you got women out here. I've seen some videos of women being like followed home and stuff. They try and get in the house real quick before being run up by some young dude. I bet they wish they had a man in there who would step out and say what you about to do.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:You know, unfortunately, we need more men like that, just to keep the peace. A true warrior don't look for a fight, but we'll end one.
Darron Brown:Let's send it on that note, ron. You know I could actually somebody man that was, that was a powerful statement man and anyways, I just want to say Thank you for being here, like I've been following you for a long time. You know you some. No, I appreciate it. I stopped listening to most, most people in the black mental sphere simply because it wasn't serious enough. I felt like I couldn't what they were saying or just who they were. It didn't resonate with me. But I can tell you, carry out the way you, based off the way you carry yourself, and you have your three channels. It's more along, your more. We have more. I have more in common, basically, with you and I'm a pleasure meeting you at the self-improvement summit. It's a pleasure to be here and I hope that we can continue to do business in the future.
Rom Wills:Oh, we will, man, because I remember when I first started, man, you helped me out with something. Like you know, some people they'll see something they criticize. You were like, hey, ron, this is what you need to do. I forgot what it was exactly, it was some technical stuff, but you, you, you you share videos with me and everything you show me say, okay, ron, this, how you can take care of this, and stuff. Because I say, oh, my criticism just helped me out with it. You helped me out with something and you didn't know me like that, but you, you said, okay, let me help you out with this. You showed me how and it was positive and I always respect you for that.
Rom Wills:And I see where you going as a young man, shoot, we need more young men. We need more genius bruises like yourself. We need that thorough man like yourself can deal with them physically, but then you got that high intellect and that's what it means to be a man. I want to say I want an army of men like you. I want an army. Yeah, we get that. Trust me, we change a whole lot.
Darron Brown:Be dangerous, you know you say you can read men. I remember you mentioned this a few times, sorry. You said you could read men. You said there's something about your eyes, like you, the way you look at people. You pierce through their soul and you can read their personality.
Rom Wills:They. Oh well, it's a, it's just people in general, and really that's coming from growing up in a rough area. Okay, because you, you had to. Man, you can always get an idea, cause you needed it for your survival, cause I grew up in an area. Man, we had a mental institution where they, like some of the patients, will get up during the day. You had to. It was a rough areas in Southeast DC and that's where I learned it. Even when people think they bullshit me, if I'm sitting there just looking at them, they can say whatever and I might let them think they're getting away with it, but I say, okay, they carry it like that, all right, I could call them out on it or just let them go, cause it ain't bothering me right now. But I put it in back in my head and I've had women tell me it looked like I was looking right through them and I was, cause it is after a while and it's just growing up in, like you can pick up a book and do it. You just pay attention to people.
Darron Brown:You pay attention to little nuances, checks what they don't want, learn how to communicate with them on that one, for the men that are actually improving on themselves, working on their bodies, working on their careers, trying to elevate, and they encounter haters within their social group, people who don't know them and people within their family. I've been counted, all of them, and I've, you know. I've had to dealt with it or whatnot? Do you have any last words for those type of men who are going through?
Rom Wills:that. Or basically look for your spiritual family. Man, stay strong. Man, Stay strong. You're always going to catch that. It's annoying, it really. It will get to the point. Sometimes you say, damn, I wish we lived in a society where I could just let that throw and keep walking. Yes, that's how deep that is. I encourage that, but it gets annoying.
Darron Brown:Yeah.
Rom Wills:Again, all it is is some little hate and, let's say, hate for what I'm just doing, what I'm supposed to be doing as a man, instead of hating. Once you find out what I'm doing, maybe I'll help you. And then that's the thing, and it's a shame and it's their own weakness. They trying to break you down instead of building themselves up. You know, because they probably had the. They got it within them. They got the intermasculine within them. Bring that out. They got the intermasculine within them.
Rom Wills:But you got some people who want some hate and they want the most attention. I'm saying look, man, if we want to change, ultimately we got to work together, or at least we'll have to like each other or hang out, but work together, like if we're going in the same direction, we're going in the same. Okay, we don't like each other personally, but we're going in the same direction, just like I say okay, you know what? I don't want to have a beer with you, but we're going to go in this. Let's just do our thing, you know. But you got some guys. They not see, they not strong in themselves. See, it is something to understand, especially for a young man like yourself. You're tall brother, you know how they say you got to be over six too. You over six too, if you, you over six, if you taller than me, so you over six, muscular and stuff. The lady saying you handsome, you highly intelligent, still got to ask you about that camera you're using. Man, that was a bad ass. Kid, god, man, I was like hello.
Darron Brown:I'm surprised. Most people don't. Most people don't recognize a good camera when they see one, and you did man shoot?
Rom Wills:I'm a man, I could man, I've been around some cameras, I've been around some professional photographers and stuff. So and that's just my name, not even major. And plus I got a little camera I use, okay, and that and that, the one I did my couch video and that was that was just my phone right here and everything. I got a eight cake, I mean a four K camera up here, but even then I'm looking at it's like, hmm, let me see if I can do better. I'm always looking to improve, but my point is instead of you know, some people just got it like that. Don't get mad at them. Figure out what you can do, cause one of the things I did come up like you know, I went to like getting all the women at first. Right, y'all was getting some, but not like some other dudes. I just started hanging around those other dudes.
Rom Wills:Like you know, I had one dude on college campus, man, I mean, he was giving women like crazy. He would cut my hair and I told him he was the. I call him big brother and stuff. He's still a community. All of us I grew up still communicating on Facebook and stuff. He's big brother. You know, I ain't get mad at him. I ain't cause he was getting with some women I want to get with. I ain't getting mad at him. Yeah, I sat in the chair and let him cut my hair and let it just listen. When he dismissed his wisdom, he hung out with them and stuff. You know the other couple players, man, I get mad at him. Some people are trying to hate on some of the players on the campus. I was like hey man, why don't we just chill out? We'd be sitting around drinking beer and stuff. I was the least in the room and had no problem with it, cause I said I'm just going to soak up with you. I teach, yeah.
Darron Brown:All right, well, ron. Thank you for being here, man, and until next time.
Rom Wills:I appreciate it, man. I'm honored to be on you, man, all right, see ya All right, man. Peace and blessings.
Darron Brown:man, peace and blessings man, Peace and blessings man.